

The Federation’s Sustainability Committee represents our member companies interests on the sustainability agenda. The committee meet to consult, update and support the bread baking sector and its supply chains in relation to key topics including packaging and food waste. We work with industry related organisations, including Food and Drink Federation and Bakers BASCO, and consult with WRAP.

The work of the Committee demonstrates the importance and commitment all members have to sharing best practice, contributing to government policy and recognising the public’s interest across a wide-ranging set of challenges and targets.

In sharing expertise, the Committee representatives seek to monitor and improve the capabilities and processes of bakery production to reduce the environmental impacts for member businesses and the wider bakery sector.

The Federation is an Engagement Member Partner to WRAP ( Waste & Resources Programme) and a supporter to the UK Plastics Pact. It aims to represent the interests of Members in consultations with authorities, regulators and other external organisations.